Makeup for the Soul

Monday, May 07, 2007

The only thing I love more than makeup and my cat is... other things that make me A) feel good or B) look good. Every once in a blue moon my friends get together and trade beauty tricks. It's nice to see the gals and it's great to experiment with new tricks to hide the wrinkles, the age... etc.

So my friend Sally said to the group that she uses natural products. I kinda chuckled because I didn't really believe in a difference between natural products and the regular store crap; then I tried it. It really does make a difference.

I don't think I'll swear by natural stuff... but I know I'll use them every once in a while.

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Monday, November 13, 2006

Makeup is supposed to warm your heart. It is supposed to make you feel good. It is supposed to compliment your hot heels, when you are walking down the street. But for some, it is just the opposite. It brings out flaws, it screams attention, and it whispers fakeness. I cant help but feel like that person sometimes. I don't want to be hiding behind anything, yet I feel like it brings out my beauty. Am I so bad for thinking that?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Fashion week @ my school is soon. Perhaps this time it won't be a bummer. I need style, I need fashion, I need attention. I am entering the fashion show -- as a MODEL (of course hehe) and as a designer. Hopefully i'll get both awards. If not, one has to be evitable.. if not, I will be throwing a cosmetic temper.

Monday, October 30, 2006

I interviewed an infamous makeup artist today for my newspaper. It made me realize how much makeup does have a prime role in our culture. Without it, "models" wouldn't look perfect, actresses would look average and often terrible, and we would have to expose our true selves. How ironic... the world doesn't want to see the face we were born with.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Makeup may be for the soul, but pajamas are just as great. I want some new nightwear. I am getting bored with my flannel pjs and sweats. Of course I always look great in my makeup, but when I'm wearing boring and full nightwear, I look terrible. Who wants to see a beautiful woman with red lipstick and made up eyes when she is in a sweat suit? Not me.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I want to be in love. I really would enjoy having a boyfriend.

Sometimes I feel like my makeup represents who I am and who I am dating. I don't know.. if I wear dark makeup, I tend to be depressed or am single. When I am vibrant and wear bright colors, you know that I either have a boyfriend or am having a wonderful day. For these reasons, I know makeup is my way of expressing myself. Why don't my parents understand that?

I do feel like makeup is good for the soul. So you don't like your appearance... it's okay. Makeup can certainly change it up a bit.

Wear some new colors. Fix your hair. Buy a new cosmetic line. It will make you feel better.